
Electronics is a branch of science, or in better terms a branch of physics which deals with controlling the flow of electrons to control electronic devices. It also deals with the use of electronic components and circuits.

Although electronics is different from electrical science, we need to understand the flow of electricity, current, voltage, resistance etc., to gain an indepth knowledge. In this section, I will share details on different electronic components, but before diving deep into those aspects, let us understand the basics of electricity which acts as a concrete base for further study.

Electricity Tutorial

Atom StructureAtom, Electron & Electricity:

Everything starts from an atom and all matter on earth is made up of atoms. An atom is the basic building block of all matter. Figure in the right depicts how an atom looks like. It contains a central core called the nucleus. Nucleus contains protons which are positively charged and neutrons which are neutral. more >>


Electronic Components

Electronic components are physical objects within an electronic system. They are generally connected together in a structure which directs and controls electric currents. This structure is known as a circuit.

In this section we will discuss in detail, some of the basic electronic components, electrical devices and other control techniques.

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